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هل تريد معرفة أسباب تسوس أسنان طفلك في سن مبكر؟
Never leave the milk bottle in your child is mouth while sleeping

The non-natural milk contains sugary materials and when your child's teeth is immersed with these substances, bacteria increases in his mouth which can prevent the growth of the upper jaw. We recommend the use of natural toothpastes for your children without fluoride with a silicone toothbrush to maintain your child's teeth.

 لأن الحليب الغير طبيعي يحتوي على مواد سكرية و عند ابقاء الأسنان مغمورة بهذه المواد يجعلها تتعرض للبكتيريا و تمنع نمو الفك العلوي. يُنصح إستخدام معجون أسنان طبيعي خالي من الفلورايد, و فرشاية أسنان مصنوعة من السيليكون للمحافظة على أسنان طفلك.

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Signee orn
Wednesday 25th of January 2023
In celebration of it's 7th anniversary, Signee has launched two new brands "Oral-Pro" & "Spokar". Thank you for all who celebrated with us, and thank you for all who supported us, and still doing throughout the 7 years. We look forward to serve our community over and over again.   Special thanks to: Minister of Labor and Social Affairs مصطفى بيرم Dentists' Syndicate in Lebanon...